
VMware Partnership

Experience SANs with the highest availability, fastest performance, and fullest utilization

VMware Ready Badge

DataCore SANsymphony™ is certified VMware Ready, fully compatible. DataCore continues to track key VMware innovations and has committed to working with VMware on future technologies such as vSphere APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA), VVols, and others as they become available.

DataCore SANsymphony™ delivers a radically simple, high availability solution to meet vSphere shared storage requirements.

The software abstracts your storage into idealized, virtual disks akin to virtual machines. It pools and mirrors disk blocks across available devices, despite differences in make and model. In the process, it speeds up I/O response and throughput using extensive SAN-wide caching.

This lets you take optimum advantage of VMware’s full suite of capabilities without hesitation. A plug-in for VMware vCenter™ allows you to non-disruptively provision, share, clone, replicate and expand virtual disks among physical servers and virtual machines.

DataCore yields the highest availability, fastest performance and fullest utilization from your storage assets, making it an essential element of your VMware Virtual Infrastructure deployment.

DataCore SANsymphony offers a full integration suite, which includes the following:

  • SANsymphony plug-in for VMware vCenter
  • VMware vCenter plug-in for DataCore SANsymphony
  • VMware SRM Storage Replication Adapter (SRA)
  • VMware vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI) support for:
    • Full copy
    • Block zeroing
    • Hardware-assisted locking functions
    • Space reclamation services


Software-Defined Storage is Essential To Your VMware® Virtualization Strategy

Some business challenges that we can help with:

  • Finding it unaffordable to put in place the highly-available, shared storage required to support a VMware vSphere and/or VMware View desktop virtualization project.
  • Experiencing frequent disruptions attributed to storage. For example, outages are required to expand capacity, take backups, resize volumes, swap out disk drives, upgrade equipment and migrate data to different equipment.
  • Applications and virtual machines run slowly. Problems can be traced to disk I/O bottlenecks and programs running out of disk space because 5 to 15 times more workloads are competing for the same storage resources.
  • High risk of losing critical information due to major and mini disasters that damage or impair storage hardware. Such a loss might jeopardize the organization’s ability to continue IT operations and lead to business collapse.
  • Budget cuts impeding rollout of adequate SAN to support server consolidation.

Learn more about DataCore Software-Defined Storage

Learn why more than 10,000 customer sites use DataCore Software-Defined Storage to maximize IT infrastructure performance, availability, and utilization.